We have received Proclamations from the City & the County proclaiming October 5th as Bike & Walk to School Day!

GVB Bike-in Movie!
When: Thursday, October 13th, 6:30pm
Where: Hot Tomato's Back Yard, 124 N. Mulberry St, Fruita
Why: Ride your bikes to learn more about what GVB does to make the Valley a safer and more fun place to ride; while you're at it eat some great pizza, enjoy a movie and meet new friends.
Details: We will be re-screening Portland's "Filmed by Bike" Shorts, a movie for all ages. Door prizes and silent auction! Bike ride to Fruita will leave 10th and Main in Grand Junction at 5pm. A shuttle back to GJ will be provided after the event, RSVP required. Please RSVP to grandvalleybikes@gmail.com. For those interested in helping to shuttle for the event, please contact: grandvalleybikes@gmail.com. For more information: www.grandvalleybikes.org

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